Monday, January 14, 2019


Now here is an example of someone who thinks he is a player. He isn't very handsome anymore and is riding in an unregistered car with fake tags cause he won't spend the money to get it legalized. He gets with women he thinks have money then gives them sob stories about his mom passing or say the previous woman did him wrong and that is why he is in debt so he can try to get her to pay his bills. He even had the nerves to admit a few minutes ago that the current woman pays $875 a month in rent so if he do not pay his bills then he got somewhere to go (HER HOUSE). I wonder if she know she is fooling with an actual GOLDDIGGER that is a MAN. WOW... some men have no shame!!!! BTW... I fell for it and he owes me $1387. I was a fool but hearing him say he is using another woman for a place to stay because he haven't paid his utilities, MANNNNNNN that took the cake. Hell he just left another woman who he was using for her house in July last year and he left because he didn't want to pay bills there. If you are dating a man in Pine Bluff, AR driving a black Ford Focus with fake temp tags living on W. 2nd with initials DS then you might want to re-evaluate why he is around you. Don't get caught up like I did. He don't give a damn about you, he just want your money and sex. The only person he cares about is himself and HE WILL CHEAT ON YOU if he hasn't already!